
541.488.4872 |

Schedule a Session

I pro­vide indi­vid­ual and cou­ples coun­sel­ing out of my office in Ashland, Oregon. My work­shops and sem­i­nars are held in var­i­ous loca­tions (con­tact me for directions).

Please call 541.488.4872email me, or com­plete the form below to sched­ule a ses­sion or a com­pli­men­ta­ry half-hour con­sul­ta­tion to ask ques­tions and ensure we can devel­op a rap­port that allows us to explore and resolve issues.

Guest Speaking

If you would like to make arrange­ments for me to speak at your orga­ni­za­tion, please call me at 541.488.4872, email, or com­plete the form below.

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