Archive for brain integration

Everyday Mindfulness and Brain Integration

I think it’s impor­tant that my clients under­stand the phys­i­ol­o­gy of rela­tion­ships and the sig­nif­i­cance of an inte­grat­ed brain in build­ing healthy rela­tion­ships. Dr. Dan Siegel is at the fore­front of the lat­est neu­ro­bi­ol­o­gy research on how brain inte­gra­tion shapes rela­tion­ships and rela­tion­ships shape the brain. One of the ways you can cul­ti­vate a more inte­grat­ed brain is through mind­ful­ness techniques.

Here are some tools to help foster this symbiotic process:

Dr. Siegel’s Hand Model of the Brain

Breath Awareness

See Dr. Siegel’s web­site for a guid­ed expe­ri­ence through this reflec­tive process.

Breath Discussion

Dr. Siegel also shares an audio clip on the Wheel of Awareness Practice.