Archive for grief and loss

Normal Grief Symptoms

When you have experienced the loss of a loved one, you may experience:

Normal Grief Symptoms

  • Tightness in throat or heav­i­ness in chest.
  • Loss of appetite and emp­ty feel­ing in stomach.
  • Restlessness or dif­fi­cul­ty concentrating.
  • Wandering aim­less­ly.
  • Forgetfulness, inabil­i­ty to fin­ish things.
  • A need to take care of oth­ers’ dis­com­fort by not talk­ing about feel­ings of loss.
  • Mood changes over slight­est things.
  • Crying at unex­pect­ed times.
  • Feelings like loss didn’t real­ly hap­pen, that it is surreal.
  • Difficulty sleep­ing.
  • Dreams of loved one.
  • Assuming man­ner­isms of loved one.
  • The need to tell and retell your expe­ri­ence of loved one’s death and things about that person.
  • Feelings of anger at loved one for leav­ing or at others.