
After my divorce, I was feel­ing angry and dis­cour­aged. Jennifer helped me hon­or all my feel­ings and gave me the gift of know­ing that I can feel con­fi­dent and con­tent. —N., Medford

I can’t begin to express the changes I feel. Jennifer’s intu­ition, wis­dom, and com­pas­sion are help­ing me find a part of me I didn’t know was there. My core. Thank you for this amaz­ing gift. —J., Eagle Point

I blind­ly select­ed Jennifer from her ad in the tele­phone direc­to­ry. I am grate­ful for that lucky choice. With com­pas­sion and hon­esty, she has helped me exam­ine some very dif­fi­cult per­son­al issues. She gave me not only things to think about between ses­sions but also things to do when I was liv­ing real life, things that will help me achieve my goals. —M., Talent

Some­times I feel lost in a dark for­est on a cold night. Jennifer is always ready to pro­vide a blan­ket and a flash­light. —B., Ashland

Child with Mother at Beach During Sunset

When I start­ed see­ing Jennifer, I was about to lose my fam­i­ly because of many fac­tors, not the least of which was my inse­cu­ri­ty, which came out as anger, jeal­ousy, and often con­trol­ling behav­ior. I loved my fam­i­ly dear­ly but knew I either need­ed to fig­ure out a way to make it work or to be okay if we did not stay togeth­er. I also was social­ly iso­lat­ed, in a career that was no longer mean­ing­ful, and in very poor phys­i­cal health.

I had been in coun­sel­ing before and felt like I had learned a lot each time. But when I was real­ly hon­est with myself, I knew that deep down inside, I still felt unwor­thy, like I didn’t even deserve to breathe or take up space on the plan­et. Although I had scratched the sur­face of these self-hating feel­ings with pre­vi­ous coun­selors and had done a great deal of heal­ing, the very core of my being was still “rot­ten” in my eyes.

Jennifer led me down a path toward heal­ing with her gen­tle guid­ance and deep com­pas­sion and by hold­ing for me a strong vision of where I want­ed to go. I was unable to see this place or even believe it exist­ed most days: a place where I could feel whole, con­nect­ed, and wor­thy. I won’t say the path was an easy one, because it wasn’t. There were times when I want­ed to run away in fear or hide in shame. But Jennifer was always there with her warm patience to help me find my way again.

I have expe­ri­enced deep, last­ing heal­ing through my rela­tion­ship with Jennifer. I am a com­plete­ly renewed per­son; peo­ple in my life have all com­ment­ed on the dif­fer­ence in me. I am a part of a lov­ing fam­i­ly, am phys­i­cal­ly healthy, have new (and recon­nect­ed) friends, and am just begin­ning a new career, one that has been a life­long dream of mine! I can­not say enough about the enor­mous impact Jennifer has had on my life. Her wis­dom, com­pas­sion, intu­ition, humor, and patience helped me to become the per­son I was always meant to be.

If you are read­ing this, it is because you are look­ing for some­thing: heal­ing or growth. I found both with Jennifer. If you are ready to make a change and are will­ing to do your part in mak­ing that change hap­pen, make the call and meet Jennifer. You just may find the path to the per­son you are meant to be! —J., Eagle Point

My hus­band and I have been hap­pi­ly mar­ried for sev­er­al decades, but the years after our retire­ment proved to be dif­fi­cult for us as we were in such con­stant close dai­ly con­tact. Our com­mu­ni­ca­tions even­tu­al­ly broke down and dis­si­pat­ed into a sit­u­a­tion where we were angry and frus­trat­ed on a fair­ly con­stant basis. We thought we would have to sep­a­rate as we were unable, after many dis­cus­sions over years, to resolve our dif­fer­ences or to change our atti­tudes. Eventually, we went to Jennifer Downs to see if coun­sel­ing could pos­si­bly help, even though we did not have much faith in the idea. We found Jennifer’s process to be very help­ful. Over our time with her, she guid­ed our thoughts and con­ver­sa­tions, pro­vid­ed us with an astute lis­ten­ing ear, and pro­vid­ed help­ful and insight­ful guid­ance that had the result of help­ing us see more clear­ly what we were doing and why (past expe­ri­ences, etc.). She fur­ther pro­vid­ed us with new ways to think about each oth­er and the rela­tion­ship. As a result, we have more mutu­al respect and appre­ci­a­tion for one anoth­er and addi­tion­al­ly we have been phys­i­cal­ly more calm and relaxed. We enjoy one anoth­er again. Jennifer pro­vid­ed us with very help­ful insights, com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools, a calm and wel­com­ing atmos­phere, body-healing strate­gies, and new inter­nal ori­en­ta­tions from which to oper­ate. She was both chal­leng­ing and empa­thet­ic, and we’re most grate­ful to her for sav­ing us from our worst selves and putting us on a new path to a hope­ful and hap­py future. —L. & B., Ashland